2013. február 20., szerda

Madrid 3.

Madrid, the last evening in the first leg of our journey. We've spent the last three days with not much but eating lots of jamón ibérico, walking, sleeping, walking some more and trying tapas bars. Fingers crossed our flight to Bogota is departing tomorrow..till then here are some pictures:

Barajas Airport with some pretty awesome cooling system up there.

Plaza Mayor

Crystal Palace, someone thought it would make a great creative display if the columns were wrapped around and about with some strings..

Our favourite museum, Museo del Jamón near Puerta del Sol. Jolly good and cheap breakfast place.

Abercrombie boy... don't ask.

Barclays building, that actually looks like a giant disinfectant flask.

Yes, we are going there too. Soon.

Trees reaching the sky, kind of.

Dinner is getting ready. Jamón Ibérico de Bellotta, again. Apparently, this ham is from free-range pigs that roam oak forests (called dehesas) along the border between Spain and Portugal, and eat only acorns during this last period. It is also known as jamón ibérico de Montanera. The exercise and diet have a significant impact on the flavour of the meat; the ham is cured for 36 months.

A dog. Spanish.

Dinner in Casa Patas. The menu is on the wall.

Almudena Cathedral

5 megjegyzés:

  1. Koppány neked nincs is más márkájú felsőd, mi? :) A lovas kép a legkirályabb, bár jó sok versenyző van!

  2. Ja, és kirakhatnál legutóbbi kommentek szekciót, mert így nem látom, hogy válaszolsz-e! ;)

  3. Csak hogy ne maradjatok szóvicc nélkül: Bridget Jones napolaj. Ha-ha.

  4. De van! Hollister :)
    A legutóbbi kommentek szekción már Norbi dolgozik, mert a régi javascript valamiért nem működik, én pedig ugye nem vagyok programozó.
    A szóvicchez úgy érzem, kevés vagyok :(.
